Monday, February 18, 2008

Awesome Testimony of Woman formerly in Sex Industry, Now in Ministry

For about a year now, I had been researching the issue of sex trafficking (not so much right now). In the process of my research, I came across Shelley Lubben's website. If I could recommend any christian website or any christian ministry to anyone, I would recommend hers as one of the top ten. Because what her ministry is about is so important...reaching out to people to educate them the truth about pornography, as well as other parts of the sex industry. With the sex industry (including everything from stripping to phone sex to porn movies to prostitution) becoming more prevalent and mainstream, in part, due to growing technological advances, as we see with computers and the internet, and now with phones able to capture and record everything, also, in part due to television shows that are showing too much skin and sexually-oriented material, like Playboy's "Girls Next Door"(I have watched the show many times, and aside from my objections to the nudity, I do like the show in the sense of seeing they are indeed humans like the rest of us, and more importantly, God has put on my heart how much He loves them--Hugh Hefner, and the girls!) . Another important aspect of the growing sex industry, we are seeing our media, and really, our world is increasingly pushing, promoting, accepting, encouraging more "sexual empowerment" and "sexual freedom" and "sexual liberation", doing everything they can to promote "open-minded" beliefs about sex and nudity, encouraging women to be involved in porn and stripping and call girls/escorts, every aspect of the sex industry, and continuing to encourage men to pursue all sexual outlets--"boys will be boys". I know throughout history, our world has seen the pendulum swing from one extreme of being "frigid", "closed-minded", "conservative" ("thanks to Christians" and the political influences)... to the opposite extreme of being "sexually free". The History Channel has some very interesting and informative programs, if not quite obviously biased in favor of the sex industry. I encourage anyone who buys into the lies that porn or prostitution (or any part of the sex industry) is harmless fun, that there are no (or few) victims because it is "between two consenting people", to learn the truth from one of many websites that I am going to put up relating to the issue of porn, the sex industry, and inevitably and ultimately, the connection to sex trafficking.

Shelley Lubben shares her story as one who was involved in the sex industry as a prostitute and porn star, and knowing first-hand the devastation that the lifestyle left her. Her road to recovery was nothing short of miraculous. She shares how God was able to heal her and turn her life around, and has now called her to reach out in love and compassion not only to those in the sex industry, primarily female porn stars, but also to the consumers of porn, primarily men hooked on watching porn, who believe the lie that the female porn stars "love sex". I have a passion to share the truth as real and raw as it can can't get more real than those who were there, behind the scenes, living that life. They speak for themselves, but they also share what they have seen from the others around them. The more we speak the truth of these things, the more we can shatter the lies and illusions of those behind sex industry and media, who are profiting financially off the bodies of these precious people (Yes, they are precious in the eyes of God!).

Shelley Lubben's Ministry:

Type in "Shelley Lubben" or try, and get her MySpace website with videos of her story, links to help people overcome porn addictions, and testimonies of other porn stars who have left the industry.
Her official Pink Cross website with more material, including a forum for men and women struggling with porn, and many other topics.